Лаборатория ядерной физики

“Further investigation of elastic scattering of 16O on 12C at different energies”
Amangeldi N.
Amar A.
Burtebayev N.
Hamada Sh.
World Academy of Science

Engineering and Technology, issue 74 (2011). –  P. 39-41

“Study of the elastic scattering of 16O, 14N and 12C on the nucleus of 27Al at different energies near the coulomb barrier”
Amangeldi N.
Amar A.
Burtebayev N.
Hamada Sh.
World Academy of Science

Engineering and Technology, issue 74 (2011), P. 267-269

“Analysis of alpha-cluster transfer in 16O+12C and 12C+16O at energies near Coulomb barrier”
Amangeldi N.
Burtebayev N.
Gridnev K.A.
Hamada Sh.
Nuclear Physics A.

2011. – Vol.859. – P. 29-38; (P. 29-34; 37-38).

“Investigating the 16O + 12C Reaction over a Wide Range of Energies”
Amangeldi N.
Burtebayev N.
Gridnev K.A.
Hamada Sh.
Maltseva N. A.
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics

Physics, 2011, Vol. 75, No. 7. – P. 961–963. 

“Detailed Study for 16O →12C+α and 12C →11B+p spectrosco pic factors”
Amangeldi N.
Burtebayev N.
Hamada Sh.
International Journal of Modern Physics E.

2014. ̶  V. 23. ̶  Iss. 10. ̶   Artickle number. 1450061. квартиль - Q3. импакт-фактором  - 1,615. CiteScore - 1,20. процентиль по общей физике и астрономии -53.

“Elastic scattering of 15N ions by 16O At the energy 11.59 mev”
Alimov D.
Amangeldi N.
Burtebayev N.
Mauyey B.
Acta Physica Polonica B.

2017. ̶  V. 48. ̶  Iss. 3.  ̶  P. 495-498 квартиль - Q3. импакт-фактором  - 0,875. CiteScore - 0,76. процентиль по общей физике и астрономии -41.

Study of the elastic scattering of 20Ne on 16O nuclei at energy below the Coulomb barrier
Burtebayev N.
Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana-Journal of the Italian Astronomical Society.

2017. – С. 424-427

“Scattering of 15N ions by 10;11B nuclei At the energy of 43 mev”
Alimov D.
Amangeldi N.
Burtebayev N.
Mauyey B.
Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement.

2018. ̶  V. 11. ̶  Iss. 1.  ̶  P. 99-107 импакт-фактором  - 0,325. CiteScore - 0,32. процентиль по общей физике и астрономии -15

“Effect of the transfer reactions for 16O+10B elastic scattering”
Amangeldi N.
Burtebayev N.
Hamada Sh.
Ibraheem Awad A
Acta Physica Polonica B.

2019. ̶  V. 50. ̶  Iss. 8.  ̶  P. 1423-1436 квартиль - Q3. импакт-фактором  - 0,525. CiteScore - 0,54. процентиль по общей физике и астрономии -25.

“Study of elastic scattering of 10B ions on 12C nuclei at the energy of 17.5 meV”
Amangeldi N.
Burtebayev N.
Mauyey B.
Sakuta, S.B.
Wolińska-Cichocka, M.
Acta Physica Polonica B.

2019. ̶  V. 51. ̶  Iss. 3.  ̶  P. 757–762 квартиль - Q3. импакт-фактором  - 0,525. CiteScore - 0,54. процентиль по общей физике и астрономии -25.

New measurements and reanalysis of 14N elastic scattering on 10B target
Nassurlla M.
Chinese Physics C.

2020. – Т. 44. – №. 10. – С. 104103.

New measurements and analysis of elastic scattering of 13 C by 9 Be nuclei in a wide energy range
Nassurlla M.
European Physical Journal A.

2021. – Т. 57. – №. 7. – С. 1-9.