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Completion of the XXIII Reporting Scientific-Technical Conference

The 23rd Reporting Scientific-Technical Conference was successfully completed. The 3-days conference included 51 reports in a mixed format (online/offline): 11 under the targeted funding program, 35 under the grant funding program, 3 reports on the ISTC Project and one report each from the Science Foundation and the IAEA. The results of work carried out within the framework of the Scientific-Technical Programs and Projects this year were presented by 32 specialists of the Institute: Heads of Divisions, Heads of Laboratories and Leading Researchers.

The results of research and development in nuclear and radiation physics, radiation materials science, radioactive waste management, introduction and use of hydrogen energy in Kazakhstan, on meeting current challenges in astrophysics and cosmic ray physics, etc. were provided at the conference On the final day of the reporting conference, General Director Sayabek Sakhiyev summed up the work of the conference and outlined the future plans.

— In total, 51 reports were heard during the reporting conference, presented by 32 employees of the Institute. Among them, 4 Doctors of Science, 8 Candidates of Science and 20 PhD. The outcome of this conference will be discussed at the Academic Council. Next year we plan to print an Annual Report.

In the future, the Institute plans to traditionally hold a Reporting Scientific-Technical Conference at the end of the year.