On October 14-18, a workshop on "Additional Protocol Information Collection and Reporting for Contributors using Protocol Reporter 3" was held at the Nuclear Safety Training Center of the INP. The training was conducted as part of the activities of the International Nuclear Safeguards Engagement Program (INSEP) of the US Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/NNSA) in cooperation with the IAEA and the СAESC ME RK.
The purpose of the workshop is to improve the knowledge and skills of Kazakhstan specialists from nuclear facilities and enterprises of NAC Kazatomprom, which are necessary to fulfill obligations under the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement and the Additional Protocol. The workshop included training on reporting under the Additional Protocol (declarations to the IAEA) using the Protocol Reporter 3.
The workshop was intended for specialists from Kazakhstan's nuclear industry facilities (UMZ, Ulba-TVS, INP, NNC, MAEK, NAC Kazatomprom) involved in nuclear material accounting and control activities and providing reports as part of fulfilling obligations under the Comprehensive Safeguards