Basic facilities

Basic information about INP facilities


The electron accelerator ILU-10 was installed in the Radiation Sterilization Unit (RSU).

The pulsed linear electron accelerator ILU-10 is one of the models of a pulsed linear accelerators series of the ILU type, developed at the Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS for development of the new radiation-technological processes, as well as in the production lines of industrial enterprises.

The RSU is designed for sterilization of single-use medical devices such as syringes, needles, blood transfusion kits and clothes for medical personnel.

The technological process of radiation sterilization provides processing of the products with accelerated electrons or a gamma-ray flux at absorbed dose values sufficient to ensure the sterility level of products in contact with blood (syringes and needles) of at least 1,000,000:1. The range of sterilizing doses should be from 15 kGy to 30 kGy, depending on the initial contamination of the initial product with microorganisms and the degree of radio-resistance of the contaminants.
